Heart of the Tuatha dé Danann: An Autumn Equinox Tour of Ireland, Her People and Her Gods

he table is brimming with delights: bread shared in friendship, butter like none other in the world, and all manner of delicious plenty to enjoy. The company is merry as the laughter and stories flow like honey, and we raise our glasses to honor the Tuatha dé Danann in their vibrant and sacred homeland. We give offerings to the Land, Sea, Sky, and to the living heart of Ireland. Do you hear the call of the sacred lands? Will you join us for a journey of reverence for the Gods, of learning and respect for the culture and people of Ireland, all held within the bonds of comradeship and hospitality? We would love for you join us!
Take your place at the feasting table, and prepare for adventure! On this eight day journey throughout Ireland we will work with local experts to connect to ourselves, to the land, and to the powerful energies that reside there.
Our journey begins exploring Dublin leading up to a welcoming ritual feast! After getting to know each other, exploring a bit of history and culture in Dublin, we will spend the Autumnal Equinox at the holy home of Brigid's well and flame. From there, we will greet the sun on the hallowed grounds of Loughcrew, and attend the Oldcastle Equinox Festival. That is just the start of this adventure! We will be visiting many sites, including Newgrange, Emain Macha, Rathcrogan, and the Hill of Tara.
For this trip in particular, the name that came to us was ‘Heart of the Tuatha dé Danann’, because it speaks to our intentions to return to the heartlands of the Gods and their hearths; to place our feet on the land and the places that have moved our souls by words alone, and also to create the space for those moments and places to touch our hearts and practices. This trip is about the journeyer’s heart taking a voyage to the isle of Éire, connecting with land, spirit, and each other, and growing in love and respect.
Blessing of The All Father
Wisdom of the serpent be
Wisdom of bull be thine,
Wisdom of valiant eagle.
Voice of swan be thine,
Voice of honey be thine
Voice of the Shining Youth.
Bounty of sea be thine,
Bounty of land be thine
Bounty of the All Father, ever sustaining.
– Adapted from the Carmina Gadelica by Branwen